
Our response to the spreading COVID problem is evolving rapidly. The intent of this email is to update you on some specific changes we are making, to outline our communication plan, and to ask you for some preparedness actions.

First let me say that your engagement with this problem and willingness to step up and help is phenomenal. I have come to expect a lot from this group but you keep surpassing expectations. Thank you.

On to the issues:

·       All must have Epic access at home. We will likely reach the trigger to start having individuals perform DOD duties from home. If you do not have Epic access at home, you must obtain it now. Contact Brooke if you need help with this.

·       If we need to reach you, we will try paging through Amion first. If this does not work, we will text/call your cell phone. Please update your cell phone number with Jennifer Thorup by email.

·       Starting immediately, we are reverting to all transfer requests going through the DOD. Rationale: things are changing rapidly and it’s much easier for the admin on call to communicate with one person rather than 25.

o   To make this do-able, the DOD will have a +5 and receive no new business during the day.

§  If you are DOD and feel you can handle new business, reach out to the Access Center.

·       Starting immediately, all back up shift hours will extend from 7pm to 7am.

     *   Our robust back up system for the next few weeks will be emailed soon. Please send updated increased availability to Amber as you cancel travel.

·       W5500 opened today and is the geographic unit for PUI and confirmed positive COVID patients.

o   This unit will be geographically restricted to one or two providers, chosen randomly.

·       Starting now, COVID panel labs should be labeled as “COVID panel” or similar in results review.

·       For patients where we are attending, we must round in person at least once per day. For call backs, it may be reasonable to handle issues over the phone.

o   Good care of both the physical and mental/emotional aspects of our patients require this.

·       Communication:

o   Our hospital/system COVID leaders are inundated with communications and meetings. Unless it is urgent, please refrain from reaching out to them directly.

§  Your point of contact for all things COVID should be the Admin on Call. This person attends a daily meeting with our hospital leaders.

o   Whether you are on or off service, please check our website,, section titled COVID – 19 Updates. Do this daily, updates are dated. It is excellent. Thank you Duc.

o   Also check the AKN regularly for updates.

·       PPE training. Please review the PPE donning/doffing section on our website. In addition, please complete the LMS module on Enhanced Precautions.

·       Do not come to work sick.

Going forward, Exec will try to find that Goldilocks zone for communication. Please give me or other exec members feedback.

Thank you for everything you do.
